“One day, I hope there would be more respect for what educators do…
Ms. Laura Vinski
“One day, I hope to create positive change and make the systems better for our future leaders…
Ms. Preena Patel
“One day, I hope for the teaching of social justice in all content areas instead of the teaching of how to choose the correct answer on standardized tests…
Ms. Ebonie Lamb
“One day, I hope we support and value a diverse teacher pipeline…
Ms. Mayah El-Dehaibi
“One day, I hope my children will see Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s dream of a "Beloved Community" come to fruition in which all people can share in the wealth of the earth…
Mr. Nick Haberman
“One day, I hope for increased access to opportunity for children of all abilities within our school system…
Dr. Jennifer Tepe
“One day, I hope students will grow according to their own expectations and not the expectations of others…
Ms. Monica Yang
“One day, I hope that all are inspired to help others, to be compassionate, and to make a difference in their corner of the world…
Dr. Mary Catherine Reljac
“One day, I hope the positive movements that have occurred over these past years bring understanding and truth to people…
Dr. Anna Arlotta-Guerrero
“One day, I hope that education becomes the single most valued part of our society…
Mr. Jeffrey Patrick
“One day, I hope teachers and students will be valued for who they are, not for who society wants them to be…
Ms. Nancy Shi
“One day, I want the world to understand that education is hope. When students learn to think, feel, reason, and question, the world becomes a better place…
Mr. Robert Eastwood